Charles in Prague

It's been a bit of a tradition that each year, myself and the uni gals find a new city to explore for a few days. This year we headed to Prague for a well overdue catch up with ALL the food and drink! I'd never been to Prague and if I'm honest was a little unprepared. I usually like to do a bit of research before I arrive in a new country, to make the most of my time, but this year it crept up on me (and the others) so we just went with the flow!

We arrived in the evening and went straight to our Air BnB to dump all our things before finding somewhere to eat. The apartment was lovely and our host even lovelier. If you're planning a visit you can check out where we stayed here. Super cheap and the pictures are exactly what you get! It's a great location to get around easily and we loved having the space to relax instead of being couped up in a hotel room.

After a bit of a traumatic start of being egged on the street. Yes, you heard me right, egged (who even does that anymore), we found ourselves a local pub for a bite to eat and a beer. I kicked off my trip with a traditional meal of beef goulash and dumplings. It wouldn't usually be my first choice but I really enjoyed the rich flavours and giving it a try.

On Sunday the Christmas markets were calling our name so we strolled down to Old Town Square to see what it had to offer. We were greeted with the most magnificent Christmas tree you've ever seen! After taking endless selfies (what trip is complete without them), we grabbed ourselves a hot cherry wine and a chimney cake to warm up and absorb the atmosphere. A chimney cake you ask? The only way I can describe it is like a crunchy doughnut with a hole in either end. Sounds odd, tasted amazing! We may have several throughout the trip. 

After an afternoon of walking the streets and visiting an art gallery with a Dali, Warhol and Mucha exhibition, we were ready for some more food. We found a lovely restaurant opposite our apartment called Lavicka which did not disappoint. I opted for the bulgar risotto topped with grilled goats cheese followed by chocolate peanut butter pancakes. I mean what more do you need from a meal?

We found ourselves in the James Dean for cocktails afterwards and ended up dancing the night away until the early hours. Turns out there's a bar come club in the basement!

After a night on the town a lazy morning was in order but we eventually made it and decided on a different mode of transport to see some more sites. We hired a tour car with Prague Old Car and had a beautiful car, complete with fluffy blankets and heated seats to take us up to the castle and get a view of the whole city. It was so cosy and being as it was below freezing outside, a much more comfortable way to see the city! Our driver dropped us at Charles bridge to take a stroll over before heading for some lunch a to thaw out again. 

We'd spent most of the holiday layered in jumpers, coats and scarfs so thought we'd get a little dressed up for our last night. We made a booking at Hard rock Cafe, another of our traditions. If the city has one, you can bet we're going to eat there! We had a little time before eating so, of course, went on the search for more cocktails. We'd been recommend to find the Black Angel's Bar and it's a must! There's no standing so be prepared to wait for a table but I can assure you it's worth the wait. You're not allowed to take pictures, which makes it even more intriguing, but all you need to know is the cocktails are delicious and cellar is stunning!

That brings our trip to an end and it's been another one to remember! A beautiful city, with beautiful friends!