My 2019 Goals: Review

At the beginning of the year I set myself 19 goals for 2019. As we’re now at the end the year, I wanted to give you a little update on how they went. I always like to take a look back on goals and see how they went. It’s important to remember that if you didn’t manage them all, it’s okay. I like to focus on what I did achieve from setting that goal and how I can complete it moving forward. Sometimes our goals change too and they might not be relevant to where you are at anymore. If that’s the case, just scrap it and move on. Here’s a look at how this year has finished for me.

Fitness Goals

  • Be able to do a full unassisted pull up - ummm not quite. These are super hard and require consistency and regular practise. I haven’t incorporated them into my training at the end of this year so that’s my fault for slacking. I’ll pick them up again in the new year.

  • Complete a triathlon - yes! You can check out my blog post all about it here.

  • Be able to hip thrust and deadlift double my bodyweight - another working progress but the weights are slowly going up. I’ve focused more on deadlifts and actually enjoyed getting squats back into my routine after being injured last year. My bodyweight has also increased somewhat since January 2019 so I’m aiming for roughly 110kg. I’m super pleased with the progress I’ve made so far so it’s not a fail at all.

  • Enter 2-3 long runs throughout the year, 10km or more, most likely half marathons - well this didn’t quite happen, with my focus on the triathlon at the beginning of the year and then a very busy summer and autumn there wasn’t time to get another challenge in. Hoping to get back to running more long distance next year, however I am still running regularly.

  • Be better at recovery through stretching, yoga, mobility and sports massages - most weeks I’m getting to a yoga class and I’m swimming for recovery too. I’ve also been for a couple of tension release massages which have been wonderful. Yey for me time!

Business Goals

  • Start sending out a monthly newsletter from my blog (don’t forget to subscribe) - mostly getting this done, I missed a couple of months over the year but it’s been pretty consistent. Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already and let me know if there’s any topics you’d like me to cover.

  • Sign up to skillshare and utilise for video and photography content - unfortunately I haven’t been able to do this. I’ve also recently signed up to a Business Mentorship with Burrell Education so I’ll be putting my focus on this next year.

  • Complete my Pad-work qualification - with starting a different course in October this wasn’t a priority for me to do but I’d still like to add it to my skill set so one for next year.

  • Research and possibly sign up for a Pilates course - This goal changed for me after discovering Holistic Core Restore ®, which was a much better fit for my skills and commitments. Having now completed this course and becoming a coach I will be focusing on this moving forward.

  • Be delivering between 35-40 hours of Personal Training sessions per week - almost there, I’m full-time as a Personal Trainer now and slowly but surely building my client base. Each week is different and that’s the nature of the business but I’m happy with where I am currently.

  • Be delivering 2+ classes per week - During the year I have been doing classes but Personal Training became my priority. As I’m becoming a Holistic Core Restore ® in the new year, I’ll be running classes for this.

  • Read more research articles relevant to Personal Training - I need to be better at this!

Personal Goals

  • Complete scrapbook for mine and Alex’s two years together - I finally got round to doing this and love that I’ve made the time. It’s so nice being able to see all our wonderful memories together. I’ll be keeping it up to date now. We’ve lots of weddings and exciting things happening next year so no doubt many more pages to add in.

  • Save, save, save, for a house! - we’re almost there, every month we’re putting what we can away and now have the ball rolling with paperwork and starting to look at houses. Eeek!

  • Visit two new countries - I only managed to visit one new country, Cuba (amazing by the way). However, I did get away to Gdansk in Poland too. Although I’ve visited Poland before Gdansk was a new city and also very lovely.

  • Read more books - Yes, I got through quite a few on holiday in the summer and have been trying to read a little each week.

  • Learn to be more mindful and look after my wellbeing better - As I sit here writing this, I’m fighting my second or third cold (I’ve lost track) in a very short space of time. There seems to be rather a lot going around and with the nature of working with people it’s only a matter of time before I catch something. However, I have been trying to prioritise getting back to 100% by eating well, saying no when I need to and resting up.

  • Switch off from social media at least one hour before bed - I feel like I’m getting better at this but I do really need to be more strict with myself as I know I’ll benefit from it.

  • Every month do something new, whether that be going to a new place, new restaurant or something fun and active - Since writing my last update in June I’ve had a quite a jam packed summer and autumn. Myself and Alex headed off to Cuba in July for the holiday of a lifetime. This trip was quickly followed by a family girls trip to Gdansk in August. In September I went to my first fitness event with Hermove in London, meeting some incredible like minded women. In October, I took my Mum to a spa for massages and cake, I’ve been back with my sister-in-law since as it was so lovely and local to us. November bought me a cocktail masterclass with the girls. They came to the house where we got to make several cocktails. Safe to say we enjoyed ourselves! Finally, this month I’ve been away to Bradford-on-Avon for a staycation with the uni girls. I’m also off to Paris with Alex next week on the Eurostar (first time) and we’re going to see Moulin Rouge! Excited is an understatement.

So there you have it, 2019 rounded up. A pretty successful year for me both personally and professionally. How has your been? If you need some helping setting yourself some goals for next year just drop me a message.

Next year is going to be even bigger for me and I’ve decided to do my goals a little differently again. I’m setting myself a 30 before 30 list. (It’s the big 30 for next November so seems fitting). Stay tuned for these soon.