My 30 before 30 - Goals, Dreams and Ambitions

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a very merry time celebrating and making special memories. This year is going to be a big one for me in many ways, both personally and professionally. I’m starting some new ventures with my business and hopefully moving out of my parents to live with Alex. Exciting times ahead, oh and I’m 30 at the end of the year. No biggy!
That leads me to this years goals; I got the idea from blogger Zanna Van Dijk, who wrote up her 30 before 30 wish list. I thought it would be quite fitting to do this myself given the big birthday. So here goes, there’s a mixture of business, personal and just things I’d really like to do. I’ve also reviewed my goals from last year and carried over or amended a few where necessary. You can take a look at my 2019 goals review here.

  • Buy my first home with Alex

  • Visit New York

  • Be successfully running Holistic Core Restore ® programmes, both 1:1 and in small groups

  • Complete my padwork course

  • Complete another half or full marathon for charity

  • Invest in nicer, good quality clothes

  • Be able to deadlift double my bodyweight - this is one I’ve carried over from last year. My weight has changed since setting this so I’m aiming for 110kg!

  • Invest in a good camera to make content

  • Be filming regular content for social media

  • Learn how to edit said content

  • Be running online fitness programs alongside in person

  • Be completely self-employed working for myself

  • Be able to do an unassisted pull up

  • Cook more and create a recipe e-book

  • Be saving and working towards my own studio space

  • Be more productive with my time to allow myself more free time

  • Complete at least one other CPD course related to women’s health

  • Be an ambassador for a brand

  • Get my ear piercings put back in and get another one

  • Make more time to visit friends who don’t live locally to me

  • Complete the 3 peaks challenge in 24 hours

  • Read all the Harry Potter books again as an adult

  • Grow my newsletter and website subcribers’ to over 100

  • Grow my Instagram account to over 1000 followers

  • Start doing some artwork again, I used to paint and draw a lot and want to do more of this

  • Be able to squat my bodyweight (aiming for 60kg)

  • Visit one other new country

  • Go on at least one date day or night with Alex a month

  • Make more time to visit family and spend time with them

  • Have a fabulously glamourous 30th birthday party!

There you have it my goals, dreams and ambitions for this year. It’s quite the challenge to get everything in but I’m looking forward to making a start and seeing where this year takes me.

If you haven’ already set your goals and intentions for 2020 why not give it a go now? Not sure where to start, then pop me message and I’ll give you a hand. Good luck!