My August 2018 Goals

So I completely missed July in regards to goals; with starting a new job, going on holiday and everything else in between I just didn't get round to it. So let's take a look back at how I got on with June's goals and set some new ones for August. 

Goal one - start my new job
I'm 2 months in to my new role as a Fitness Coach and Personal Trainer at David Lloyd in Peterborough and I'm loving it. I've settled in really quickly and grateful to have been welcomed to the team with open arms. I've learnt so much already and can't wait to see what's next in store on my journey. I also found out this week that I have been awarded employee of the month for July! I had not expected this at all and was a little overwhelmed. I'm determined to keep working hard and this has only spurred me on!

Goal two - be better at mobility work
 I have been incorporating mobility into all my workouts but there's still room for improvement here. I'm still getting a few niggles in one of my shoulders, pretty sure it's a trapped nerve at the minute.  My knees aren't holding up as well as I'd like them to be (pun not intended). I'm pretty certain there is more to this than just mobility though so it may mean a trip to the doctor or physio to see what's going on here. I'm still working out just avoiding any heavy loads when it comes to squats and knee flexion and extension. 

August's Goals

Track my Progress
I've never kept a strict record of my training progress and workouts so I'm going to start to keep a record of everything. From rest days to the weights I'm using to how my ever occurring injuries are feeling on a daily basis. This is going to help me identify strengths and weaknesses but also keep me motivated as those weights will hopefully start to climb. 

Sign up to a pre and post-natal course
As a Personal Trainer, it's important to keep learning and developing our skill set. Now I've been working in the industry for over 6 months and got some experience under my belt, I want to start broadening my skills. After watching many of my friends go through their pregnancies I've wanted to be able to support mum's-to-be and new mum's with their health and fitness. 

I'm keeping my goals to two this month as I know it's more realistic for me to achieve these as it's going to be another busy one. Don't forget it's never too late to start setting goals and working towards what you want. I missed a whole month and I'm a little late with August but what matters the most is that I've started again and not just wrote it off. Why not set yourself a couple of small goals you want to achieve this month?