My Top 5 tips for Getting Back on Track After a Holiday

I recently came back from a hen party in Portugal where we ate, drank, partied and made memories that will last a lifetime. I have no regrets what so ever but on the plane home I did get to thinking about how I was going to recover from all our antics. So, I have put together my top 5 tips getting back on track from a holiday, bank holiday or even just a heavy weekend! 

Chances are you're feeling a little dehydrated after a few too many cocktails but there's no need to reach for the 'detox' tea. That's what your liver is for! Our bodies will naturally flush out any toxins and plenty of water will help with this. Get back to drinking at least 2-3 litres per day and you'll soon start to reap the benefits. 

Nourish your body
After living off pretty much crisps and bread my body was craving fruit and vegetables! Getting the nutrients back into your body will help you start to feel less sluggish and help your immune system fight any germs you may have picked up, especially on the plane home! Trust me, I'm just getting over a cold.
Getting plenty of fibre in your diet will also help your digestive system get back to normal. If you're anything like me, you're probably feeling a little bloated and uncomfortable so feeding your gut bacteria will have your bowels running on all cylinders in no time!

Move your body
Been laying horizontal on the sun lounger for a week? Feeling a little stiff from a long haul flight? You'll want to start to move your body but hitting the gym hard after a break isn't the best idea. You're likely to get an injury or DOMs so bad you can't sit down for a week! So, gently ease yourself back in, go for a long walk, do some mobility exercises and keep your weights low for the first week. You'll soon start to pick the pace back up and be back to your previous exercise regime.

Find your routine
From jet lag to not knowing what day of the week it is, it can all get a little confusing when you get home. I find making myself a to do list helps me get organised and be productive. Things like meal prep will help to prevent you from reaching for a quick fix when you're tired. Go food shopping and stock the fridge and cupboards. Get 7-8 hours sleep a night and you'll soon be back on the right track. 

Be kind to yourself
Don't beat yourself up for having that extra G&T and ordering dessert, that's what holidays are for! A few days, even a week or two is just a very small part of the bigger picture. Focus on getting back into good habits and remember all the amazing memories you made! Life's too short to worry about the little things, it's all about creating a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. 

I hope you've found this helpful but any questions, you know where to find me!