My March 2018 Goals

It's that time again, goals review and setting new ones for March. The weeks seem to be flying by but it's been a productive month with business picking up so I can't complain. Here's a quick review of February's goals. 

Goal one - Do more meal prep
I'm well and truly back into the swing of getting prepped and ready for my week ahead. It means I've eaten better, not skipped meals or grabbed a quick fix. I've also saved a few pennies. A couple of things I made this month are chicken meatballs in a spicy tomato sauce with grains or pasta and pesto quinoa with roasted vegetables. Just because I've completed the goal this month doesn't mean I'll be forgetting about this one. I'm aiming to keep it up now I'm in good habits. 

Goal two - Increase my squat and deadlift weights
Another goal checked off the list! I've slowly been increasing my weights within my training program and am seeing the results already. My squat and deadlift has increased by 5kg. Not huge amounts and there's still a long way to go but I'm loving how strong I feel!

Goal three - Film some content
I've had a little help from my gym buddy and best friend as she always catches my on camera in our sessions but I've also put some time aside to film a few pieces. I'm aiming to share a new exercise on Instagram each week so if you don't already, follow me on @chinupcharles for updates.

Goal four - Sign up for a new challenge
I carried this one over from January and have decided to complete the Perkins Great East Run in October. I had set out to do a tough mudder but unfortunately, the dates don't work out as I've already got lots in the diary for this year. It will still be a good challenge and after last year's marathon I'll be aiming to smash my personal best! 

March's Goals

Learn something new everyday
I recently had to do some research for a client and really enjoyed challenging myself and finding out new information. It got me thinking about how we should always be expanding our knowledge so I'm going to aim to learn one new fact everyday. I'll keep a note of them all and share them in next months goal blog. 

Create more recipes
I haven't added many new recipes recently to the blog so I'm going to try and create at least 3 new recipes to put up over the next month. 

Book a holiday
Now this one isn't so much of a health, fitness or business related goal but definitely something I need to get booked and in the diary. This year is already starting to fill up quickly and I don't want to miss out even if it's just a few days away in the sun. 

I'd love to hear what goals you'll be setting yourself this month so leave me a comment or tag me on Instagram @chinupcharles. Good Luck!