My April 2018 Goals

It's April Fools Day and Easter Sunday all rolled into one today.  Fun fact for you, it's only the 8th time since 1850 that the two events have landed on the same day! Hopefully the warmer weather is on it's way and we've finally seen the back of the 'Beast from the East'. It's time to review my March goals and set myself some new ones or redo some as the case may be.

Goal one - Learn something new everyday
This I didn't do very well at, I don't really have a reason, I just didn't find the time each day. So, I'm going to carry it over as one of my goals for April. At first if you don't succeed try try again. This time I'm going to make myself more accountable and make sure I write them in my diary each day and share them on my Instagram stories. 

Goal two - Create more recipes
Done! March saw the appearance of my veggie chilli recipe, chocolate oats and the lotus biscoff protein smoothie. I'll try and keep the recipes coming on a regular basis. Any requests then just drop me a message.

Goal three - Book a holiday
This one didn't get completed unfortunately. It's proving a little more difficult to find the time this summer when we can get away but I'll keep trying, even if it is just for a few days. 

April's Goals

Start running again
Last week I had a bit of a run for 20 minutes on the treadmill and really enjoyed it. I've had a bit of a block when it comes to running since my marathon last year, but now the weather is starting to warm up it will be much easier to start getting outside again. I've also really enjoyed having the break and trying new ways of training so I'm feeling refreshed and ready to hit the pavements. I'm not setting myself an exact target as I just want to enjoy it and run when I feel like it. 

Start Meditating
I'm not even sure if this something I'll enjoy or be able to stick to but I want to give it a try. I know there can be so many benefits from meditating and want to see what they can be for me. I'm trying out a new app that has some meditation programs on it so I'm going to start there. Just a few minutes each day to see how it goes. I'll keep you posted next month. 

I've been blogging my goals each month but in addition to this I'm going to write them up and pin them on my notice board. This way I'll see them everyday and it will help to keep me on track to achieving them. What will you do this month to help you achieve your goals? Any top tips for helping me achieve mine?