My December 2018 Goals

It’s time for my last instalment of goals for 2018 and what a year it’s been! So many things have been achieved and not to blow my own trumpet but I’m pretty proud of how far I’ve come with starting a new career. The fitness scene was never going to be an easy industry to break into but I’m finally feeling comfortable and confident in my role as a Personal Trainer. That being said I’ve still got a very long way to go with even more learning and developing to do in the new year. Before I set my last ever 2018 goals lets take a look at last month’s.

Goal one - pass my pre and post natal course
Well I’ve sat my exam and got my results back… I passed! I was very pleased with my exam result so all that’s left to do now is submit my coursework and hope that result is as good. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this course and it’s really helped me to reaffirm that I want to specialise in the area. Next on the agenda may possibly be a pilates qualification as this will compliment the course and help to assist those Mums-to-be and new Mums.

Goal two - Start my Christmas shopping
Yes! I’ve nearly done all my Christmas shopping so I’m well ahead of the game. I’ve just got a few people to finish off on my side of the family and then to make a start on Alex’s side. What a productive month it’s been!

December’s Goals

These goals are going to be slightly more relaxed as with the run up to Christmas there’s always so much going on. I still want them to be achievable for myself and not go into the new year feeling like I’ve not succeeded. Setting yourself up to fail is not ideal. Business is booming at the minute and clients are my priority so that’s a goal in itself; making sure I’m giving them my full attention. However, I am going to give myself a couple of goals to think about and work towards.

Get organised for 2019
I’ve already got my diary ready for next year so plan on getting organised and thinking about what I want to achieve next year. Hopefully looking into some more courses and getting them booked in advance. Also, not forgetting planning in our holidays and some fun stuff!

Enjoy my Christmas!!
I’ve got some much deserved time off over the Christmas period, I’m lucky enough to only be working for a couple of days in between Christmas and New Year. I intend to make the most out of it, spending some quality time with family, friends and the boy. January is likely to be a very busy month with work and hopefully lots of new clients so I’ll be taking a little step back and putting my feet up.

Well that’s it for this year’s goals. I’ve got a few more blogs lined up for between now and the new year so keep your eyes peeled, but it’s time for me to jet off and head to Ireland for a fun weekend away with the girls!