28 Things About Me

So it was my birthday this week and I had planned to post this on the day but didn’t get round to it. It’s still my birthday week so it still counts right? I haven’t ever done a post like this before but being as I have a few new followers on Instagram and on my blog I thought it would be fitting to tell you a bit more about me. So here’s 28 things about me (if you haven’t guessed already I turned 28 this week)

  1. I was Christened ‘Charley’ not ‘Charlotte’, thanks to my Great Auntie who refused to shorten it later in life, if I wanted to. If Dad had his way I’d have been Kirsty!

  2. I have a degree in Human Psychology from Aston University, Birmingham

  3. I’m allergic to bananas (weird I know)

  4. I lived and worked in Sri Lanka for almost a year in 2014

  5. I really, really dislike flying although it doesn’t stop me, therefore….

  6. I’ve travelled to 19 countries as I love to visit new places

  7. I’ve ran a marathon and half marathon both for Race for Life

  8. Before becoming a personal trainer I worked as a Project Manager for a Global Mental Health company

  9. I have the biggest sweet tooth, sharing bars of chocolate for one!

  10. I’ve known my boyfriend for 17 years although we’ve only been together for 2 years, I made him wait a while

  11. I broke my toe by tripping up a step in Sri Lanka, only bone I’ve ever broken!

  12. My favourite season is summer (I feel the cold) but love cosy nights in the winter in front of an open fire

  13. My go to drink is prosecco or G&T

  14. I’m a foodie! Indian, Thai, Mexican, Japanese, British, you name it I’ll give it a go!

  15. I started this blog as a hobby which fueled my love for fitness and led me to change my career to become a Personal Trainer

  16. I’m 5’5, and pretty much stopped growing at around 13 making me the tallest class member for several years until everyone else caught up and overtook me! I’m now just your average height

  17. I’m a little sister and more recently a sister-in-law

  18. My dream is to one day own a studio where Mum’s and their babies can come and train, along with everyone else of course

  19. My favourite exercise class has to be spinning; the songs, the sweat and the endorphins!

  20. I’m ridiculously organised (most of the time)

  21. I’ve known some of my besties for nearly 20 years and don’t know where’d I’d be without them

  22. Although I’ve lived in the Big Smoke and Birmingham I’m a country gal at heart

  23. I was born with a full head of hair my Mum could almost put it in a ponytail, it’s been long ever since

  24. My nickname ‘Charles’ came from a very special friend of mine who also happened to be my boss. Whilst working in Sri Lanka it stuck and I’ve been Charles ever since

  25. She’s also a big part of this blog happening and the name, ‘Thank you!’

  26. I love music but 90’s cheesy pop is my guilty pleasure. I cannot wait to see the Spice Girls next year!

  27. I’m a book worm (when I get the chance) , from learning to chick flicks to Harry Potter

  28. I’m one of the most indecisive people ever, ask Alex, it drives him mad. Ha ha!

    So there you have it some random things about me! Hope you enjoyed reading!