My November 2018 Goals

Two months to go until the end of the year!? How did that happen. That means I’ve been back in Norfolk and creating my PT business for almost a year, quite the whirlwind!

For some people, this time of year can be when we start to fall off the bandwagon with maintaining our ideal eating habits and exercise regime. The Christmas parties are being arranged, the multiple dinners out with friends and family are accumulating, diaries get full and work goes into over drive with everyone taking last minute annual leave. So naturally, the gym sessions or home workouts get put to the bottom of the pile and we reach for quick fixes when it comes to meal time.

My advice to you, try to keep a positive mind set and not fall into those feelings of; ‘well it’s too late now’ or ‘I’ll just start over in January’. Even if it’s just concentrating on daily movement (check out my post on improving your NEAT) or drinking plenty of water. Make each day count. January will be a lot easier on you if you do. I find the best way to try and overcome any of these challenges is setting yourself a goal or two. You know how much I love them! But first a quick look at how October’s goals went. If you’ve been following for a while you’ll know I carried these goals over from September to give myself a little more time to get them done.

Goal one - be better at seeing friends
Done and done! A couple of weeks ago I headed down South to catch up with my uni girls and check out Becky’s new pad. We spent the afternoon meandering around Brighton, playing on the two pence machines and eating our body weight in fried food at MEATLiquor. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday, hey?!

Goal two - blog more
This is still a working progress but I’ve managed to get some more content out there for you. I’m hoping to keep this up and continue producing some, hopefully, interesting and helpful posts. I’ve got some annual leave coming up which I’m planning to use productively. Any blog posts you’d like me to add to the list just let me know!

Goal three - plan and schedule Instagram content
This has been better and I’ve got lots planned for my own and the work social media pages so watch this space. My new work colleague is a bit of a whizz with the computer so I’m hoping to learn a few things about making my content a little more professional. I’ve also come across a website called SkillShare where I’d like to do some online courses to help with this (when I find the time that is).

November’s Goals

Pass my pre and post natal course
I’ve got my two day course this month and I’d really like to keep on top of my coursework and sit my exam before the end of the year. I’ve started the reading for the course and with a few days annual leave coming up I’m setting aside some time to start on the case study and really get my teeth into some learning.

Start my Christmas shopping
Now I know this wasn’t isn’t particularly lifestyle or fitness related however, it’s a necessity to get ahead of the game. I’ve already started making a list of presents to buy but to stop me panic buying and getting stressed with the run up to Christmas I want to get at least half the presents bought this month. It’s also a little easier on the bank balance! Has anyone else started their shopping?

That’s it for goals this month as my course is a pretty big one that I want to put all my energy into. I’ve also picked up quite a few new clients at work so want to focus on those too. Not forgetting it’s my birthday month so celebrating will be top of the agenda!

If you need any help setting goals please don’t hesitate to get in touch!