Top Tips for Staying Healthy and Active this Christmas

The Christmas season is well and truly in full swing now and it can be hard to stay on track and stick to those good habits you’ve been working so hard on all year, what with mince pies and Yule logs everywhere you look, the boozy work party and the advent calendar we’ve probably already eaten!! That’s all before you’ve even put the out of office on and landed back at Mum and dads with the box of celebrations on your lap, and Love Actually on the TV!

It’s often a time when we get into the mentality of ‘stuff it, it’s Christmas’ but that doesn’t need to be the case. Don’t get me wrong I love Christmas time and intend on indulging in all the festivities and food, but I’ll also be doing my best to keep active and eat in moderation. This got me thinking of how we can keep the balance throughout the holiday season so I’ve put together a few of my top tips.

Stay hydrated
Water is key for keeping our body functioning properly. It helps with digestion, ridding us of toxins and keeping our skin glowing. Aim to have a minimum of 2-3 litres per day and if you've been on the tipple try to get a pint in you before bed. It'll help with the hangover!

Eat the rainbow
No I don’t mean a packet of skittles, I mean all the fruit and vegetables. We're told so often to get those five to ten a day in but we also should be thinking about the colour of our fruit and vegetables. I'm not a nutritionist so I can't go into all the details, but I do know that variety is key to getting those vital vitamins and minerals we need. Alongside those chocolates from the tree and the mince pies make sure to get some whole foods in too. Try topping your porridge , yoghurt or toast with some fruit; add spinach to your curry for some greens or munch on some carrot sticks with hummus for a snack. Whatever it may be just add some colour to your plate. You’ll soon hit that five a day minimum! 

Stay active
It's all too easy to slump in front of the TV watching films all day and forget to move your body, especially after a big meal or a night on the mulled wine. We often end up feeling lethargic but moving your body for small portions of the day will help combat this. It doesn't mean you have to run a marathon or even go to the gym. There’s lots of options to keep moving at home or out and about. Why not wrap up warm and go for a brisk walk with the family? I'll be taking the dog out most days, it also helps to wear him out too. Play some fun family games that require you to get moving, charades is a favourite in our house. There’s lots more ideas on increasing your daily activity in my blog ‘How to increase your NEAT’. If you do fancy a bit of a workout I’ve been posting daily home workouts over on my Instagram page you can give a go. No need to even leave the house!

Get enough sleep
The average adult is recommended to get at least 7-9 hours sleep per night. Any less than this and it’s going to have a knock on effect with lots of other aspects of your physical and mental health. It’s inevitable at this time of year we’re going to have some late nights but on the days where you’re able, try and get to bed at a reasonable time. When we don’t have to get up for work it can be tempting to stay up late watching films or scrolling through our phones just because we can. My recommendation would be to put your phone down, turn the TV off, step away from the laptop at least an hour before bed. Wind down by reading a book or listening to a podcast or some music. This is something we should be doing regardless of the time of year. I definitely need to be better at this and practice what I preach!

Dealing with the hangover
If you like a drink or two it’s inevitable over the festivities you’re likely to be suffering from a hangover at some point or another. I know I probably will. So here’s my advice on what I find the best way to deal with them. Re-hydrating yourself is the first thing to do. Alcohol and fizzy drinks cause us to become dehydrated and it’s often the root of a hangover. I find coconut water the best way to do this or just normal water if your not a fan of coconut. If you’re feeling a little shaky, a bit of lucazade will do the trick.
Next it’s time for some good food. It’s tempting to hit the fast food when you’re feeling a little rubbish and of course it’s easy. However, getting some whole nutritious food is going to make you feel a lot better. High protein foods such as eggs and chicken will keep you fuller for longer and prevent you from snacking through the day.

Look after your well-being
Christmas is often a busy time of year and can get a little overwhelming for some when you're rushing here, there and everywhere with last minute shopping and trying to get round all the relatives. Remember to take a step back and give some time to yourself if it gets too much. Running is my time out and my therapy which also happens to keep me active, but find what works for you. Just taking some time for a quiet cuppa could be all you need. 

Also don’t be afraid to say no. There’s often lots of events, parties and gatherings to attend but don’t feel pressured into going to them all. You’re not going to enjoy your Christmas if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends and are exhausted. It’s okay to opt for a long bath and early night.

Acts of kindness can also be a lovely way to not only look after your own well-being but someone else’s. This time of year can be very lonely for some people and a bit of company and interaction goes a long way. Things you can think about doing are popping round to see a neighbour who you know is alone or volunteering at a local homeless shelter or care home. Most supermarkets also have a food bank that you can drop something into when you do your Christmas shop.

Enjoy it and don’t feel guilty
All I’ve seen for the last couple of weeks is post after post about the amount of minutes you’ve got to run to burn a mince pie off or videos on how to burn fat to make room for your Christmas dinner. There are so many things wrong with these that I could go on and on, but in short it’s creating a negative relationship with food and your body. You do not need to earn your Christmas, just enjoy it! The next two weeks of festivities, enjoying some treats and those Bailey’s hot chocolates are not going to effect the other 50 weeks of the year. If you gain a few pounds who cares? If you don’t get to the gym, who cares? You may think that’s odd coming from a Personal Trainer but the point I’m trying to make is that spending time with your loved ones, making memories and being happy is all that really matters, right?