My Top Tips for a Healthier You!

Well January is almost over and for the last few weeks my Instagram feed has been filled with all the typical 'New Year, New Me' spam. From fad diets to skinny tea to 'weight loss' supplements, I think I've seen it all this year. This got me thinking about what I could do to spread some knowledge and tips to work towards a healthier you that doesn't require a ridiculous soup diet. So here's a few simple things you can try to include in your daily routine. 

Stay hydrated
Water is key for keeping our body functioning properly. It helps with digestion, ridding us of toxins and keeping our skin glowing. Aim to have a minimum of 2-3 litres per day. If you're working out, add an extra litre for each hour of exercise you do. 

Eat the rainbow
No, I don’t mean a pack of skittles, I mean all the fruit and vegetables. It's becoming a bit of a trend and an all important one that needs a little more air time. We're told so often to get those five a day in but we also should be thinking about the colour of our fruit and vegetables. I'm not a nutritionist so I can't go into all the details, but I do know that variety is key to getting those vital vitamins and minerals we need. Throw some spinach in your curry for some green or munch on some carrot sticks for a snack. Whatever it may be just add some colour to your plate and see how easy it is to pack more of the good stuff in to your daily food intake. 

Get Active
This doesn't mean you have to be at the gym every night or start up running 6 days a week but it does mean moving your body. If weight loss is your goal remember that your daily calorie expenditure needs to be greater than your intake. Moving is the only way to achieve this!
If the gym is your thing, great keep it up! If you're just starting out try getting some fresh air and take a walk, even better if you've got some friends, family or a pooch to keep you company.
If you're short on time and not a fan of the gym, why not try some workouts at home? There are loads of YouTube sensations like Joe Wicks and Carly Rowena that can help you out.
Got a free afternoon over the weekend? Book yourself and your friends in for an active afternoon of fun like roller skating, trampolining or Go Ape.
Getting active shouldn't be a chore, or bore you. It should be fun so find something that works for you. You're more likely to stick at doing something you enjoy!

Balanced Diet
It's all about finding the right balance for you. I often hear people talking about completely cutting out certain foods or drinks; 'I'm not eating chocolate for a month', 'I've given up alcohol', 'I'm no longer eating carbs'. From my experience, and I imagine the majority of people find the same, that as soon as you start to restrict yourself all you crave for is what you 'can't' have. We last a few days, maybe even weeks and then we cave in and end up back where we started. What's the point?
What we should be doing is eating everything you want in moderation. If you fancy something sweet, eat the chocolate bar but not 4! If you like a glass of wine, you enjoy that glass but maybe not several bottles! As for carbs, that's a whole new blog post on it's own but in short your body needs them to function in many ways. Try the healthier options like wholemeal pasta, brown rice and quinoa.  
I could go on and on but I think you get the point.  

Leading on from the last tip, consistency, moderation and balance is key to maintaining a healthier you. It's all about changing your lifestyle and habits so that can be sustained for the long run not just a short amount of time. Pounding the treadmill every day in January but not stepping inside the gym for the rest of the year, is not only probably costing you a few pennies but also not benefiting your health in the long run. 
If you're anything like me routine is paramount. Start by making small changes, like drinking more water, rather than throwing yourself into changing everything in one go. Once you've got that nailed into your daily habits, add something else in and keep adjusting your goals. It'll soon become second nature and feel less daunting.

I hope this has been helpful and remember to look after your body both inside and out. We only have the one.