My February 2018 Goals

Well January has come and gone in a bit of a whirlwind and here I am thinking about my next set of goals. Before I do, lets take a look at how January went.

Goal one - Kick start my new career
This one has definitely been ticked of the list. I'm 4 weeks into my new career and loving it so far. I've got a very long way to go and so much more to learn, but we've all got to start somewhere, right? I've got lots of exciting plans to work on the business and hopefully put in place over the next couple of months. I'll, of course, be keeping you updated. If you need any advice or are interested in Personal Training sessions don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Goal two - Sign up for a new challenge
I haven't quite got around to working out what I want to do challenge-wise this year so it's going back on the goals list for February. Hopefully by the end of this month I'll have something confirmed. 

Goal three - Write myself a training plan
Yes! I've been using my own planning but I'm also following an 8 week legs, bums and core guide. I've already noticed the difference in my body from weight training, not to mention how hungry I am all the time! I've found it so interested to see how how different training methods have an effect on me. It's all in the learning process so don't be afraid to try new things, you never know you may find something you enjoy more!

How did you guys get on with your goals this month? I'd love to hear all about them. Pop me a message or find me on Instagram @chinupcharles

February's Goals

I've got a list as long as my arm of things I want to achieve this year, but bite sized chunks are going to help me not get too overwhelmed and work towards the long-term goals. So here are my next goals for this month:

Do more meal prep
Moving back home, settling back into country life and starting a new job has left me feeling a little unorganised, which is very unlike me. I'm usually THE most organised person, and need to get back into the swing of things. I'm starting with meal prep. I find if I plan my week and meals ahead I stick to eating all the right things and avoiding the quick fixes (and spending a small fortune on food). I'm aiming to prep at least once, if not twice a week. I'm going to encourage myself to share this on my social media platforms to make sure I keep it up.

Increase my squat and deadlift weights
As I've recently started weight training I want to work towards some personal bests this month for my squats and deadlifts. I could add a whole load of other things in gym and fitness related but like I said, bite sized chunks. I'm going to track my progress and slowly increase those weights but working on my form too. 

Film some content
Filming exercises and workouts isn't something I've done previously so I want to start doing more of this. Hopefully, this will offer a little inspiration for your workouts and also provide you with guidance on technique. It will also help me identify areas where I need to improve on. 

Don't forget to set yourself some goals for the month and keep me posted on how you get on.