Putting My Dancing Shoes Back On!

As a kid I was always dancing and singing around the house, or anywhere for that matter! As I've got older, my family members always remind me that you could hear me before you could see me! Not much has changed over the last 20 years. I'm still very much a chatter box and love to have a good boogie!

From the age of about 4 I went to ballet classes, I liked to think of myself as a bit of a ballerina, but truth be told, I had about as much grace as an elephant! I continued lessons right up to my early teens but lost interest in spending my Saturday's in a dance studio and wanted to be out with my friends. So, I packed the leotards away and hung up my dancing shoes.

Last summer I wanted to find myself a new hobby, or a course, anything that was new, ready to start in September. I couldn't tell you what made me think of starting ballet lessons again but I found myself on Google looking for classes in London. I came across Ballet For You, a school that offers ballet lessons for adults, anyone from beginners to professionals. I enquired and before I could change my mind, enrolled on an 11 week course. 

As I'd had previous experience dancing I started at level two, and I was surprised at how quickly I picked things up again. Like riding a bike I suppose, once you've learnt the basics it all comes flooding back. I've really enjoyed putting my dancing shoes back on and hopefully this time round I'm doing it with a little more elegance!

As well as tuning in to my inner ballerina, I've already noticed the benefits it's having on my body. I've gained strength in muscles I'd forgotten I had and find it's such a full body workout (I'm usually a sweaty mess by the end of a lesson!) This term I've added a Floor-Barre class on top of my lessons to really focus on strengthening those key muscles and improving my range of movement. Flexibility has never been my strong point but I'm hoping this will help and get me into the habit of stretching on a more regular basis.

I was also, recently, lucky enough to go and see the Nutcracker for the first time.  A friend of mine treated me to tickets for my birthday! Thank you! The show was put on by the National English Ballet at the London Coliseum, probably one of the most beautiful theatres I've ever set foot in. Watching those dancers on stage was such an inspiration, their talent is second to none. Don't get me wrong I'm not thinking of changing my career anytime soon, I think I'll stick to what I know, but it certainly gave me a little something to aspire to. I didn't think I'd ever get back in to ballet, especially in my mid twenties but here I am. It just goes to show, you never know unless you give it a go!