Finding the Right Balance

Over the last few weeks I've been finding it increasingly difficult to find the right balance between work, exercise, food and the all important sleep. It's tricky sometimes to juggle all the different aspects of our lives and I know a lot of people can probably relate to this so I thought I'd put pen to paper, or in this case, fingers to keyboard!

I'm usually pretty good at planning ahead for my week; making note of when I plan to hit the gym, what I'm going to eat for the week and not forgetting to spend some quality time with my favourite people! However, the last few weeks have fallen by the wayside. I'm a creature of habit so as soon as my routine gets a little mixed up it all goes to pot!

I've had a wave of insomnia creep back in, and if you're anything like me, it only takes one night of disturbed sleep to throw you out of sync. As a result of this I've been feeling so tired and lethargic during the day but find it impossible to switch my brain off at night. I've always been an early riser so I know I'm struggling when I'm hitting the snooze button 4-5 times in the morning. This week has been a little better and I'm taking measures to help my overactive mind wind down in the evening. Taking a long hot shower, putting some scented candles on and getting cosy in bed with a book is helping. I also find spending 15 minutes having a stretch before I get into bed can help to relax. I'm no expert but I know what works for my body and I'm making a conscious effort to listen to it!

When you've had a long day at work, and have come home exhausted and ready to collapse in a heap, the last thing you want to do sometimes is spend time slaving away in the kitchen. We're all guilty of it now and then, but recently I've found myself getting lazy and reaching for the quick fixes more and more. I've noticed that even in a short space of time how much this affects my energy levels and over all wellbeing. Fuelling your body with all the right food is so important! I find when the fridge is full and I have options I'm more likely to cook myself a nutritious meal, so I've put some time aside and hit the supermarket. Again, I'm no expert but I do know that when I don't eat enough, or I'm eating the wrong stuff, I get HANGRY! I think preparation really is the key and helps me to utilise my time better. If I'm organised and have my meals ready for the week ahead, I find it much easier to make time to exercise.

Is anyone else's motivation to hit the gym lacking? Mine certainly has been! I think this is a result of lack of sleep and feeling all round cream-crackered, and it's only February! I've given myself a break this week and haven't done any form of exercise, but this weekend I hit the pavements and went for a run! It felt good to get back into the stride of things (literally) and am going to ease myself back in to training at least 2-3 times a week. I've got a marathon to train for after all and it's not going to run itself! I'm using this as my motivation, but the fact that I do enjoy working out and getting a sweat on definitely helps! I know in the long run, it'll give me more energy, help me sleep and get those endorphins flowing!

As well as looking after our bodies physically, it's important to look after our wellbeing and mental health. I've been so busy that I've definitely been neglecting myself and not putting some time aside to spend with my favourite ones. This weekend, I've had some me time and I'm feeling so much better for it. Make sure you allocate some time for you, whether it's to go for dinner with a friend, dance the night away or curl up on the sofa with a movie. Do what makes you happy and with those who make you happy!

Well that's me in a nutshell over the last few weeks. Trying to find a healthy balance in life can be tricky and take a little while at times. I'm certainly still figuring it out, but I think making those small changes and not putting too much pressure on yourself, can really help in the long run.