My Goals for 2017

With the New Year fast approaching I've been taking some time to think about my goals for 2017. I'm not a fan of making new year resolutions. They're often unrealistic, force us to put huge amounts of pressure on ourselves and truth be told, how many of us actually last more than a couple of weeks?

Instead, this year I'm setting myself some goals. Some are short term, others are more long term, some are small others are huuugggeee! They should however, all be achievable but also challenging for me. I think it's important to set yourself goals based on you and no one else. We're all different and want to accomplish various things. There's so much influence on social media, it can sometimes be all too tempting to just copy someone else's goals and be done with it. That may work in short term but in the long run it won't be achievable and often leads to feelings of disappointment and becoming unmotivated. To avoid this, here's a few of my top tips for setting yourself some personal goals.

 Think about the smaller and shorter goals first. What do you want to have achieved by the end of January? Could be something as simple as eating more fruit and veg or going for a run once a week. Now move on to the longer and bigger goals, think about where you want to me in 3 months time and then over the summer months. Finally think about what you want to have completed by this time next year? It's very likely those goal post will change over time but I find it's a good way to start off. Include things you enjoy doing and want to do more of as well as changing any bad habits or improving your lifestyle. Focus on the positives rather than the negatives. You should want to enjoy checking your goals off the list not resent them. Don't set yourself too many either, having a long list of goals can be counter productive. Try to just focus on a few key things, you can always add more when you've smashed them!

Here's my goals for 2017....

  1. To post at least one new piece of content a week - Now I've ripped the band aid off and started writing and sharing my recipes with you, I'm going to try and do this at least once a week if not more!
  2. Learn new things - It's always good to keep training your body and your brain. I've been out of my studies for a few years now and after attending a few short courses for work this year I realised how much I missed frantically scribbling notes and educating myself. I've already signed myself up for a blogging workshop in January.
  3. Make a plan for the gym - I love hitting the gym but I am a creature of habit and find it hard to try new pieces of equipment or exercises in the gym. Next year I'm going to actually plan my gym sessions and think more about what I want to achieve from each one rather than just stick to what I know (incorporating my learning new things here too).
  4. Travel more - I been lucky enough to spend a lot of time travelling this year and visiting new places and I'd love to continue this. There's so much of Europe I'm yet to see so I'm planning on spending a few more weekends away. I'm also guilty for not taking enough time off so this year I'm going to make sure I use up all my holiday.
  5. Explore London - I've lived in London for two years now and I have so much more exploring to do. London is full of amazing and fun things to do (often free too). Next year I'm going to take full advantage of this and do at least one new thing a week! Who doesn't love an adventure?
  6. To be able to do a chin up! - This is going to take some time but I've got to live up to my name after all! Wish me luck! 
  7. Continue with my healthy and sustainable lifestyle - I've still got a long way to go with this but I'm very much enjoying the journey so far.

If you're a visual person, like me, I find to helps to be able to see your goals.  I'm going to be sticking this list on my fridge so I can see them everyday (I think I visit the fridge about a hundred times a day so there's no excuse for me to forget any!) Make a note of them somewhere, whether it's in the back of your diary, in the notes on your phone or on a scrap of paper stuffed in your sock draw. When you're needing some motivation it's a great tool to take a look at and evaluate where you're at. So... who's ready to nail 2017? I'd love to hear your goals for next year. Feel free to share them with me and tag me in your pictures on Instagram @chinupcharles. Good luck and wishing everyone a fabulous and happy new year!