Chocolate Porridge Oats Recipe

As you may have gathered from my page and social media sites I love food. However, I can be a little funny when it comes to certain textures of food (we all have that weird thing). I'm almost always up for trying new things though. Up until recently porridge was one of those foods I wish I liked but however much I tried, I just didn't. When I was training for my marathon last year, I was trying to find foods that would keep me going for long periods of time so thought I'd give porridge another go. I think as I've got older my taste buds have started to change and it appears the texture of porridge no longer weirds me out. Hooray!

I've played with lots of combinations of porridge over the last couple of months but this one has to be my favourite and most successful. You can make it on the hob too if you prefer and have a little more time. I hope you enjoy!


50g porridge oats
1 tsp cacao powder
150ml almond milk
Fresh or frozen berries to top
Favourite spread or nut butter to top


  1. Add the oats and cacao powder to a microwave friendly bowl. Mix together
  2. Pour over the almond milk and stir through
  3. Cook in the microwave on high for 1 minute. Remove and stir well
  4. Cook for a further 30 seconds at time. Stir after each and repeat until the oats are cooked and the desired consistency reached. You can add more almond milk for a less thick mixture
  5. If using frozen berries, blast in the microwave for 30-60 seconds to soften. Add to the porridge mixture
  6. Top with a good dollop of your favourite spread and enjoy!