My Goals Review 2017

At the start of the year I set myself some goals to achieve. With the new year fast approaching I thought it would be a good time to review my goals and think about what's next on the list. I've tried to keep these in mind all year and work towards each of them so here's a little run down of how I got on.  

Goal one - To post at least one new piece of content a week
I haven't quite managed this all year but I have tried hard to keep the content coming. I've found that planning ahead helps me and to write when I'm in the right frame of mind. Churning out content, just for the sake of it, doesn't work well for me. Writing doesn't come easily to me but I think I've got a little better this year, well I hope so. 

Goal two - Learn new things
This is the goal I've achieved most this year, it's been such a learning curve. I started off the year attending a 'Blogging for Beginners' class at GA. This was shortly followed by enrolling to complete my level three diploma in personal training. I spent several months studying and attending a part time course at TrainFitness. In August I qualified and decided to take the leap and start a new career in the fitness industry. You can check out my blog here for details. 

Goal three - Make a plan for the gym
My training plans this year changed from the gym to pounding the pavements in preparation for my marathon. Although I still went to the gym and attended classes it was less so than before. I didn't have much of a gym plan but I did create myself a training program for the marathon and pretty much stuck to this as much as I could. Now I've got my qualifications I'm really excited to get back to the gym and turn my focus to weight training. 

Goal four - Travel more
Now this is one I've not achieved this year. I've had so many other commitments and things going on I've only managed to leave the country once this year. I've had a few weekends and trips away within the UK which have been fab so I can't complain. I've already got a trip to Portugal planned for next year so fingers crossed there's another country or two on the list to check off. 

Goal five - Explore London
If you've been following my blog this year you'll know I've covered quite a lot of ground in London this year. Granted, most of it has been food related but lets face it, food is life! You can check out my monthly London adventures blogs to see what I got up to. Head to the travel section of my site. 

Goal six - To be able to do a chin up!
Let's just say I'll be working on this next year. After signing up at the beginning of the year to complete a marathon my training drastically changed. I'm back to hitting the gym and strength training now. 

Goal seven - Continue with my healthy and sustainable lifestyle
This is something I've been working on finding the balance with this year. I've trained hard and tried to eat nutritious meals. It's still very much a learning process, with some weeks better than others but my journey continues. It's not something that happens over night, it's all about changing habits and finding what works for you. 

I'm pretty proud (if I don't say so myself) of everything I've achieved this year. There's always room for more, always new things to learn and new goals to set but I think it's important to acknowledge what we have done and progress on these in a positive way rather than think 'I didn't do this', 'I should have done more of this'. I'd love to hear what you've achieved this year, leave me a comment below to share your achievements. I'll be sharing my new goals for 2018 soon so stay tuned!