Charles in Amsterdam!

Last month myself and a few uni friends headed to Amsterdam for our annual weekend away. None us had visited before but had always heard good things so were excited to see what the famous 'dam had to offer! In true holiday style we started on the prosecco and sausage sandwiches before our 11am flight. 

After an incredible quick flight (it actually takes me longer to get back to Norfolk) and navigating our way through the trains and trams we arrived at our hostel. We stayed at the City Hubb hostel in the West of city. This has to be one of the trendiest places I've ever stayed! On check in we were given wristbands which act as your key (perfect way to prevent you from loosing them) and we got to pick which pod we'd like to stay in. Yes you read it right, a pod, a neon lit double bedroom with surround sound! We picked a top bunk and I have to say had so much fun playing around with the lights and music! 

By this point it was late afternoon and ours stomachs were growling at us so with some recommendations from the lovely staff at the hostel we headed round the corner to the Foodenhall (if you're a Londoner think Amsterdam's equivalent to Dinerama). From pizza to burgers to the champagne oyster bar this place had everything! After doing a few laps and lots of deliberating we finally settled on a platter of Dim Sum followed up with nutella waffles and frozen yoghurt! Delicious!  

After a very comfortable nights sleep and avoiding the shower queue (winning!) we set out in search for breakfast. We headed to 'The Breakfast Club' which was about a thirty second walk from the hostel (still winning!) and were not disappointed. This quaint little cafe had one of best breakfast menus I've seen. From healthy juices to cereal to a full fry up, there was something for everyone! We all opted for city breakfasts, my friends went for a New Yorker and a Londoner, any guesses which ones which? I went for the Mexico City, Huevos Rancheros: a tortilla wrap filled with tomato and black bean salsa, topped with fried eggs, creme fraiche, avocado and jalapenos! Transalation: heaven in a bowl! Just what I needed to fuel me up for a day of exploring! 

Next stop, sight seeing!  We took a leisurely stroll into the city centre as we hand plenty of time and quite frankly needed to walk those breakfasts off! Getting around was made super easy as the hostel provided us with a pocket size internet pack which allowed us to have access to the internet all the time and prevented us from racking up a small fortune in phone bills. (Even more winning!) We prebooked tickets to the Anne Frank house which was our first stop. If you're planning on a visit, definitely book ahead. The queues were insane! After a very interesting and if I'm honest saddening tour of the house we headed in search of the Amsterdam sign. We couldn't come all this way and not get those all important photo opportunities in. After all how hard could it be to climb on top of a giant letter and strike a pose? In my case...very! 

On arriving at the sign the crowds of tourists had already assembled and we had to wait our turn to find a free letter. I was determined to get up on one of the letters and made my attempts at the 'a'. No such luck, the wet weather only meant I was slipping around like a fish out of water! I was going about it all wrong and needed to find a letter close enough to another one to use as support, logical thinking you say! Attempt number two gets underway with the 't'. After very ungracefully shimmying my way up between them I was up! Hooray! Now to get my friend up without falling off in the process. Eventually with us both at the top and photo shoot complete we head on down. Mission complete I think. My friend hops off rather effortlessly, no problem I think I'll just lower myself over the edge like she did. This would have worked had I not got my dress caught up! Of course my trusty friend came to the rescue and tried to save my dignity by giving my dress a little tug. Phew.. flashing of the pants avoided! However, what followed was me loosing my balance and face planting into the next letter and for my other fabulous friends catching it all on camera, never to be forgotten!

I couldn't resist sharing this insight into the reality of getting one of those iconic photos. I'm sure there's lots of other people that managed it with more grace than I did. I can only hope that photo shoots are usually more glamorous than this. I think I'll stick to keeping my feet firmly on the floor next time! 

For the rest of the day we strolled around the city taking in the sights and stopping off for pancakes and a beer or two. We wandered round the tulip market (visiting several cheese shops on route to taste test), took a walk through the red light district and paid a visit to a sex museum. Much to my friends dismay it was actually quicker to walk to a few places rather than get the tram. We covered some serious ground and must have racked up at least a five miles. Great way to keep active but not so much in keeping your friends happy! Sorry guys, you love me really!

On day three we fueled up at Berry's cafe. Another great spot for breakfast, I had huge bowl of natural yoghurt and granola and coffee whilst my friends tucked in to freshly baked croissants. Everything here is homemade and delicious, a must if you're in the area. We then made our way to the Heineken museum and I couldn't recommend it more. I'm not a massive beer drinker but this place is designed for everyone. It's super interactive and much to my surprise I learnt a thing or two! Did you know that the bitter taste of beer comes from the foamy bit? Top tip, take a big swig!  Well if I must... You finish the tour with a beer in hand on the rooftop overlooking the city. What more do you need?

We finished our last day with a trip to the Hard Rock Cafe and more beer. Perfect end to a perfect weekend. We had a fantastic time eating copious amounts of food, drinking far too much and making memories! Overall, Amsterdam was a winner and I'll definitely be back again. soon!