My 2020 Goals Revisited

At the start of this year I set myself ‘My 30 before 30 - Goals, Dreams and Ambitions’. As this year hasn’t gone quite to plan with a global pandemic halting many of our lives I’ve revisited my goals to re-evaluate and adjust. It’s been difficult and slightly disappointing to look at these goals, along with all the plans I had laid out for this year. It was going to be a very exciting year with friends, family and travel. However, I know that just because things won’t happen this year doesn’t mean they won’t happen at all. Our lives change course regularly and I’m a firm believer in things happening for a reason.

I’ve been able to keep most of my goals and have made a good start working towards many of them too. I’ve decided against setting any new ones as I feel I have plenty to be focusing my energy and time on. Since the Pandemic started I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what I really want from my future and my business. It’s put a lot of things into perspective and given me time to get planning.
Here’s a review of my goals so far.

Goals I’ve Completed

  • Read all the Harry Potter books again as an adult - since we went into lockdown in March I’ve read all the books again. It’s been a joy and I’d highly recommend reading them if you haven’t already.

Goals I’m keeping and Currently Working Towards

  • Buy my first home with Alex - this is still on the cards for us and hopefully won’t be too much longer

  • Be successfully running Holistic Core Restore ® programmes, both 1:1 and in small groups - I’m keeping this one and have been doing lots of studying and behind the scenes work to get this up and running. Watch this space

  • Make more time to visit family and spend time with them - I’ve obviously been keeping in touch virtually with them as much as possible but this is even more important than ever now

  • Be filming regular content for social media - I’ve made a good start on filming and regular posts will commence soon

  • Learn how to edit said content - it’s a working progress. Myself and technology have a very rocky relationship

  • Be running online fitness programs alongside in person - as the current situation has forced many of us online I’ve been thinking a great deal about this. I’ve started making steps to create a membership site

  • Be completely self-employed working for myself - I’m still hoping I can move towards this for the second half of the year

  • Cook more and create a recipe e-book - I’ve had lots more time recently to cook and get creative in the kitchen so I just need to get working on that e-book

  • Be more productive with my time to allow myself more free time - Now I’ve had ALOT of free time since being furloughed. My productivity and time management are somethings I’ve been working a lot on so I’m hoping this will carry over for when I do return to work fully

  • Complete at least one other CPD course related to women’s health - I’ve recently completed a CPD course in Mental Health Awareness in Sport and Physical Activity. Next up, Women’s Health.

  • Grow my newsletter and website subcribers’ to over 100 - please sign up if you haven’t already

  • Grow my Instagram account to over 1000 followers - you can find me @chinupcharles

  • Complete my padwork course - I’m hoping I’m still able to do this towards the end of the year

  • Be able to deadlift double my bodyweight (aiming for 110kg) - I’m leaving it here as there’s still plenty of time for the gym to open and get back to lifting heavy. However, I’m also enjoying working out at home and getting outdoors for my exercise.

  • Be able to do an unassisted pull up - another fitness goal that I may be able to achieve but it’s not high on my priorities

  •  Be able to squat my bodyweight (aiming for 60kg)

  • Get my ear piercings put back in and get another one - if they open up and it’s safe to do so I’ll be keeping this one

  • Make more time to visit friends who don’t live locally to me - I’m not sure this will happen this year due to restrictions and keeping myself and them safe but we’ve definitely made more of an effort to have regular catch ups online

  • Start doing some artwork again, I used to paint and draw a lot and want to do more of this - since having a lot more free time I’ve started using my mindfulness colouring books again. I’d like to get the paints out again at some point too

  • Have a fabulously glamourous 30th birthday party! - I can only hope I’m able to celebrate the way I’d planned in November. Fingers crossed!

    Goals I’m putting on Hold or Changing

  • Visit New York

  • Visit one other new country

  • Complete the 3 peaks challenge in 24 hours

  • Complete another half or full marathon for charity

  • Invest in a good camera to make content - this one I’ve decided isn’t a priority or a worthy investment currently as my iPhone works well for me at the moment

  • Invest in nicer, good quality clothes - considering I’ve been living in leggings for the last 10 weeks this just doesn’t feel like a goal that I need anymore. All our finances are going towards a house which is more important

  • Be saving and working towards my own studio space - this is something I still very much want to do but I’m putting it on the backseat for now and focusing on my online offerings

  • Go on at least one date day or night with Alex a month - this has been pretty impossible as everywhere is shut. However, we have made the most of being able to spend a great deal of time together whilst in lockdown. It’s time we wouldn’t have got together so I’m taking that as a positive.

  • Be an ambassador for a brand - this would be nice but isn’t a real priority for me currently

Did you set goals this year that might need adjusting? Take some time this week to go through them. You never know you may have already completed some! With the current situation constantly changing you may want to focus on smaller weekly or monthly goals rather than long term ones. Need some help then just pop me a message.