My Top Ten Tips for Lockdown

Well this a slightly different blog post to what I’d usually write but given the current situation I think it’s pretty relevant and will hopefully help a few of you. The virus and lockdown has forced us in to a situation that I imagine none of us ever expected to find ourselves in. All those simple daily tasks and activities we usually take for granted have now either been taken away or become the only focus we have. Our world has been flipped upside down and the future unknown.

I’ve found the last week particularly challenging with managing anxiety and stress levels. It’s been hard not to get sucked in to a negative head space so I’ve been working on a few things to keep life as normal as possible. This in turn has helped me to remain positive and have a sense of purpose. Hopefully you’ll find these tips helpful too.

  1. Find a Routine
    I’m a creature of habit so this is really important for me but even if you’re not, having a routine can help to keep the days from just becoming one big blur. You’re working environment has likely changed or you may find yourself without work so make a plan with time slots for each day to keep you focused. Adding in simple things like breakfast, regular screen or tea breaks, daily movement and ending your day. Don’t worry if you don’t stick to it completely but you should find it helps.

  2. Movement
    Whilst we are still able to and hopefully this will continue, make time to leave the house for a daily walk, cycle, jog or run. Getting some green space is great for our mental health as well as physical health. If you’re not able to leave your home, don’t worry, you can move at home. The internet is currently packed full of free online home workouts and many gyms and companies have made their content free so why not utilise this.
    Please also remember that at this time if you don’t feel like exercising or moving EVERY day, that’s okay. Don’t feel pressured to be completing every live HIIT session on Instagram. If you feel like lying on the sofa and watching Netflix, you do you!

  3. Stay Connected
    Now more than ever we need to stay connected to friends and family as we can’t physically be with them. I’ve been chatting online with friends on a daily basis, keeping up to date with what everyone is doing and supporting those who need it. I’ve made daily phone calls to my parents and Facetime with my Nan. I’ve never felt so connected to them to be honest.

  4. Take Time Away from Your Screens
    Whether it be your phone or laptop make sure to switch off and have some time away from social media and the news. These can be quite triggering for anxieties, worry and feelings of being overwhelmed. Limit the time you spend reading the news and scrolling through the internet.

  5. Maintain a Balanced Diet
    Now don’t get me wrong there have been times this week I’ve found myself reaching for the chocolate and ice cream. In fact that’s pretty standard anyway. However, looking after yourself through nutrition is just as important as physically and mentally. I know it’s been challenging to get some of the staple items we are used to but things are now returning to normal on the shelves. Ensure you’re getting plenty of fruit and vegetables in daily and with a variety if possible. I’ve just come back from our local farm shop with melons, plums and a load of veg to keep us going for a week or so.

  6. Be Mindful
    It’s normal to be experiencing a lot of emotions and some of those may be overwhelming and negative. It’s important to feel those things and let them go when you’re ready. I’ve been making time each day to focus on the positives and what I’m grateful for. This gives me time to reflect and find the small pleasures. I’ve been sharing this on Instagram each day and asking others to share theirs with me but you could do this by journaling or sharing with someone you live with or over the phone.

  7. Do Something You Enjoy
    With being contained to our homes you may have to get creative with how to keep yourself entertained. I’ve rediscovered my love of colouring and reading. I’ve had some mindfulness colouring books for ages but never seem to find the time to do them so I’m making the most of a bit of free time. You might want to start that online course you’ve meaning to do, work on your business or skills. Do some cooking or gardening. Start a blog or journal. Complete a jigsaw or do some drawing. Use your time to find that love for something you enjoy and makes you smile.

  8. Set New Goals
    2020 hasn’t gotten off to the start most of us expected and you may have set yourself some goals that now don’t seem quite right. I’m going to be taking a look at mine and re-evaluating them. However, a good way to get through the next few weeks and possibly longer is set yourself some new goals. These can be weekly short term goals to give you something to work towards. Try setting them on a Sunday night for your week ahead. You may want to learn to do a handstand, practise yoga every day or learn to cook.

  9. Do Some Spring Cleaning
    That random draw that’s full of odds and ends, the back of the wardrobe or under the bed you’ve been meaning to tackle. Now’s the time to sort out and clear out. They do say a clean house means a clear mind.

  10. Relax
    In a world where we always seem to be going a 100mph take the time to relax and enjoy a quieter pace of life. Lie in, take time to enjoy your morning coffee, enjoy a bath, watch that series on Netflix.

    I hope you find this helpful. Stay safe and well.

New goals