My May Adventures in London

So there seems to a bit of theme to my weekly adventures, can you guess? FOOD! My first spot for May took me to The Barge House in East London. Now I know I say this every month but this has to be my favourite so far! This place is known for its 'Breakfast in Bread', yes you heard right. A whole sourdough loaf filled with all sorts of yummy things. I went for the 'Hot Stuff', chorizo, hot beans, peppers, chilli mushrooms and spinach topped with an egg and cheese. Oh my, it was so delicious and absolutely filled to the brim! Just when I thought I'd got all the filling, I kept finding more! Top tip, don't eat anything before you go - save room, you'll need it! This place is super busy and can't be booked after 10am so I'd recommend getting there early or be prepared for a wait. We were lucky enough to get a spot outside by the canal and the weather held out (just) for us.

After walking our brunch off and a couple of pints in the sun, me and the boy headed to All Star Lanes on Brick Lane for a game of bowling. However, on route we stumbled across Dum Dum Donutterie at Boxpark. Well it would have been rude to pass by without stopping for an ice cream! After a rather large brunch we decided to share a Cronut and it was a good job we did, I'm not sure we'd have managed one each! We went for the Salted Caramel Banoffee, without the banana (I'm allergic, odd I know). The croissant-come-donut was filled with chocolate, biscuits, lashings of sauce and two huge scoops of creamy vanilla ice cream. Not the easiest thing to eat, but it definately hit the spot, especially if you're like me and have a bit of a sweet tooth!

May has been another busy month but I have actually been out of London for most of it, back home in Norfolk.  I've just had week off work and some much need time off but I think we crammed enough in our one day to last till June! I'll be posting more about my time off soon so stay tuned!