My 2019 Goals: Six Month Review

At the beginning of the year I set myself 19 goals for 2019. As we’re now half way through the year, I wanted to give you a little update on how they’re going. It’s also a good way for me to practice a little self reflection and keep myself accountable for them. I’ll need to continue to work towards those not yet completed over the course of the next six months.
Here’s my goals and how they’re going.

Fitness Goals

  • Be able to do a full unassisted pull up - these are a working progress but I am now completely 8 reps using a resistance band so it’s progress.

  • Complete a triathlon - yes! You can check out my blog post all about it here.

  • Be able to hip thrust and deadlift double my bodyweight - another working progress but the weights are slowly going up. My bodyweight has also increased somewhat since January so I’m aiming for roughly 110kg.

  • Enter 2-3 long runs throughout the year, 10km or more, most likely half marathons - I’ve planned to complete the Perkins Great East Anglia half marathon in October and possibly a 10km before that, it’s just finding a local one on the right day.

  • Be better at recovery through stretching, yoga, mobility and sports massages - most weeks I’m getting to a yoga class and I’m swimming for recovery too. I’ve yet to book myself a sports massage but maybe I’ll treat myself on holiday next month.

Business Goals

  • Start sending out a monthly newsletter from my blog (don’t forget to subscribe) - mostly getting this done, I missed May (whoops) but the others I’m getting out to you. Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already.

  • Sign up to skillshare and utilise for video and photography content - I haven’t got round to this yet but hopefully will soon.

  • Complete my Pad-work qualification - I’ve yet to find a course with the right dates and been unable to finance it at the moment but it’s next on the list.

  • Research and possibly sign up for a Pilates course - I’ve done some research into several courses so it may be on the cards this year or possibly even next year.

  • Be delivering between 35-40 hours of Personal Training sessions per week - almost there, I’m pretty much full-time as a Personal Trainer now and slowly but surely building my client base. Each week is different and that’s the nature of the business but I’m happy with where I am currently.

  • Be delivering 2+ classes per week - half way! I have a regular class which I teach on the gym floor every week.

  • Read more research articles relevant to Personal Training - I need to be better at this!

Personal Goals

  • Complete scrapbook for mine and Alex’s two years together - I’ve got all the bits together but have yet to make it look pretty and stick everything in. I need a rainy afternoon when I’ve got nothing else planned.

  • Save, save, save, for a house! - we’re getting there, every month we’re putting what we can away and hopefully will be ready to start house hunting in the new year.

  • Visit two new countries - almost, we’re off to Cuba for 10 days in July. I couldn’t be more excited for some sun, sea and cocktails! I’ve also got a trip planned to Gdansk, Poland in August. Although I’ve been to Poland before I haven’t been to Gdansk so that will be new. I may get another city break in at the end of the year with the uni gals, money and time dependent.

  • Read more books - I’ve read two so far this year which doesn’t sound a lot but it’s better than none. I forget how much I love reading so could do better at this. I’ve got lots of good ones lined up for when we’re on holiday

  • Learn to be more mindful and look after my wellbeing better - I feel like this one can’t really be measured but I have been slightly better at saying no to work sometimes and taking time out for myself. There’s been a few times this year I’ve burnt myself out which is not good both physically and mentally.

  • Switch off from social media at least one hour before bed - some days I’m a lot better at this than others (mostly the latter) but the last couple of weeks I’ve tried to switch off and take a book to bed instead of scrolling or watching the TV. It’s also a great way for me to actually read more too.

  • Every month do something new, whether that be going to a new place, new restaurant or something fun and active - I’ve not been great at keeping tabs on this one but I’m pretty sure I’ve done something new each month. In February, we attending an evening at an owl sanctuary where we got to fly some of the owls and toasted marshmellows over the fire. In April, we cycled from Snettisham to Hunstanton and back. Something neither of us had done before. In May, I went open water swimming for the first time. In June, Alex and I went to London to watch the Spice Girls at Wembley.

So there you have it, a little update on my goals for this year. I’m not going to change or add any more at this point as I feel like I’ve got plenty to be getting on with but that may change as the year goes on. Did you set yourself some goals at the start of the year? How are they going? I’m always happy to help if you need some guidance.
Don’t forget it’s never ‘too late’ to set goals. They can be set and achieved at any point in the year, it' doesn’t have to wait until January!