How to Increase your NEAT

First things first, what is NEAT?
NEAT stands for non-exercises activity thermogenesis. This means any energy expended through activities other than eating, sleeping and sports-like exercise. So pretty much everything you do throughout the day when you’re not sitting down.

What are the benefits of increasing your NEAT?
As a nation our lifestyles can be very sedentary, from endless hours sat at desks to coming home and scrolling through the internet and watching TV. Even those that complete physical exercise on a regular basis, whether that be playing sports or going to the gym, can still lead sedentary lifestyles if they move less throughout the day. I know it’s not always easy especially if our jobs require us to be at a computer or desk. I had one of those jobs for several years so understand the struggle. The recommended amount of exercise per week for adults is 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise with 2 days a week including strength exercises.

By leading more sedentary and inactive lifestyles we are more at risk of health issues such as type II diabetes, obesity, heart disease and metabolic syndrome. An easy way to help prevent any of these health issues arising, along with eating a well balanced diet, is to increase your NEAT. By moving your body more you will naturally expend more energy throughout the day causing your metabolic rate to increase above it’s normal resting rate. In short, you’ll burn more calories. This can often have a knock on effect with weight loss, general fitness levels and increase lean muscle mass. However, please do bear in mind that this won’t happen over night. Increasing your NEAT is a lifestyle change, that add to the benefits of regular exercise and a well balanced diet. Moving more throughout the day will help us feel more energised and less lethargic, more supple and mobile to help with daily functions and improve posture, to name just a few.

How to increase your NEAT?
There’s lots of ways we can increase out NEAT and daily activity. Here’s a few ideas for you:

Park at the far end of the car park so you have to walk a little further to the shops or to work (you can do this at the gym car park too)
Do some gardening and get some fresh air at the same time
Get cleaning! Although not the funnest activity but housework is great for moving the body
Clean the car, bike, caravan.. whatever you’ve got
Get off the train or bus a few stops early and walk the rest of the way
Switch a seated desk for a standing one if you can, even just for some of the day
Take the stairs rather than the lift or escalator
Walk around when you’re on the phone
Walk to the shops, butchers, pub when you can
Play with your children, grandchildren
Take a walk on your lunch break
Waiting for the kettle to boil? Walk up and down the kitchen, around the garden..
Fix something! DIY, change that broken light bulb or redecorate the spare room
Get active on your ‘rest and relax days’, instead of spending the day horizontal why not go for a walk or do something fun like bowling

To sum up, we need to move more! There is a lot more science behind NEAT but I wanted to keep things simple for this blog post. There are multiple benefits of increasing our daily activity levels and it’s so easy to do. Taking these little steps to increase your general well-being and health will in turn have an effect on your long-term health. And let’s face it, we all want to live, long, enjoyable and healthy lives,don’t we?