My May 2018 Goals

I'm a bit late to the game with my May goals but it's been a very hectic week! I feel like I've accomplished quite a lot this year already but there's still a long way to go both personally and professionally so here's to another month of meeting those goals! First up, quick review of April's goals and then to set some new ones. 

Goal one - learn something new everyday
You can check out my facts below, there are lots of health and fitness related ones and some fun, random facts too!
Day 1 - What makes wholegrains whole? That they are made up of all 3 parts of the grain
Day 2 - Cinnamon can increase insulin sensitivity
Day 3 - Deep breathing is one of the body's strongest healing mechanisms
Day 4 - Cluster sets - taking a rest in between reps within a set
Day 5 - Most of the exercise ethics we have today stem from the Greeks like Plato
Day 6 - Prebiotics vs Probiotics - Prebiotics are a type of dietary fibre that fuel the good bacteria in our body. Probiotics are live bacteria that naturally live in our body.
Day 7 - TDEE - total daily energy expenditure is broken down into three areas; resting metabolic rate 60%, thermic effect 10% and physical activity 30%
Day 8 - Manuka honey has a high antibacterial power due to levels of methylglyoxal
Day 9 - A handful of peanuts is equivalent to 11 BCAA pills
Day 10 - In dog years I'm 189 years old
Day 11 - How to do the exercise 'pistol press'
Day 12 - The commonwealth is made up of 53 countries that have all been linked to Britain. The Queen is the head of the commonwealth
Day 13 - 'Our gut microbiota contains tens of trillions of microorganisms, including at least 1000 different species of known bacteria with more than 3 million genes (150 times more than human genes). Microbiota can, in total, weigh up to 2 kg. One third of our gut microbiota is common to most people, while two thirds are specific to each one of us. In other words, the microbiota in your intestine is like an individual identity card.'
Day 14 - Smoking is not only related to heart and lung related diseases but it can also effect your vagina health. It can increase risks of infection and other gynaecological problems.  
Day 15 - Phytonutrients are natural chemicals found in plant foods. There are thought to be over 25,000.
Day 16 - Chia seeds and quinoa are a complete source of protien
Day 17 - Capital city of Romania is Bucharest
Day 18 - How to do the exercise 'straight arm lat pull down'
Day 19 - We're a sedentary nation. The average adult spends a fifth of the year sitting down! Let's move a little more shall we?
Day 20 -Legumes are plants that bear seeds or pods. Beans, nuts and peas all come under the umbrella term. They're high in both fibre and protein. 
Day 21 - Beetroot has been found to contain a dietary nitrate which can relax arteries allowing blood to flow better and reducing high blood pressure
Day 22 - A frog doesn't drink water, it soaks it up through it's skin
Day 23 - Popcorn was the first food cooked in a microwave
Day 24 - How to do the exercise 'skull crushers'
Day 25 - Planning a spin class to music
Day 26 - The fatty acids omega 6 is a pro-inflammatory and omega 3 in an anti-inflammatory
Day 27 - How to complete a self assessment tax return - it's long and hard so pay an accountant to do it for you!
Day 28 - Afternoon tea originated in 1840 from Anna, Duchess of Bedford when she became hungry as the gap between lunch and dinner was very long.
Day 29 - Around 75% of the population do not get enough magnesium in their diet. Magnesium is needed for muscle and nerve function, maintaining blood sugar levels and making protein and DNA.
Day 30 - The oldest person ever to live according to Guinness World Records was 122 years old, Jeanne Louise Calment 1875 - 1997

Goal two - start running again
Yes! I've been on several runs over the last month and have loved getting outside and blowing the cobwebs away. I even went for a quick 3 miles with the boy, although his legs are a lot longer than mine so I was doing 4 strides to his 2!

Goal three - start meditating
I've have started this but I haven't managed to do it every day. It's going to be one of things that I have to work a little harder at and that will come with lots of practice. I find it very difficult to shut my brain off but it's also one of things that I can learn to do through meditating. After completing a few minutes at a time I've found it very relaxing and a time to just stop and breathe. I'm going to keep going with it and see how it progresses. 

May's Goals

Start a gratitude journal
I've never really done anything like this before but I recently listened to a podcast (The 3 Dumbbells) where they were talking about time management and how to remain focused and productive, especially when you're self-employed and the to do list is ever growing. One person mention that they have added non negotiable's as part of their everyday routine. These are things that you set out to achieve everyday regardless of what else is on that list. It got me thinking about what mine could be and I'm going to start a gratitude journal. I'm starting small and aiming to write 1 or 2 things at the end of each day that I'm grateful for. I'm hoping along with the meditation this will help me become more mindful. 

Smash my spin class
This month I'm going to start teaching spin at the gym I work at once a week. Since getting my qualification this will be the first time I've actually taught a class, got to start some where though. I've been wanting to do this for a while, but as you can imagine have been a little nervous, but I've finally taken the leap! I've been putting a playlist and routine together which I'm hoping everyone will enjoy. Wish me luck!