My October 2018 Goals

Well I’m a little late (again, sorry), life just keeps getting in the way. I’ve been a little preoccupied with my brother getting married at the beginning of the month so I’m just now getting around to thinking about my goals.

September was another busy month celebrating lots of birthdays, including Mum’s 60th. We spent the night at Whipsnade Zoo; staying in some cute little lodges and getting to see behind the scenes. Quite the experience!

With lots going on I’ve not had as much time as I’d have liked to work on my September goals but I have made a start. That’s why I’ve decided that I’m going to roll them over into October. I could set myself new goals but, when I’ve not quite achieved what I wanted, I’d rather focus on these for a little longer. Also as we’re already half way through October this is a lot more realistic than worrying about new goals.

Let’s take a look at how it’s going so far.

Goal one - be better at seeing friends
I’ve managed to get back down to London to see all of my old work crew. It was so lovely to be back in the city and catch up even if it was only a flying visit! It’s so easy to get to and from London on the train I really should do it more often. I’ve also made plans to meet up with my uni gals next weekend and a few of us are heading to Ireland at the end of November for a long weekend. So, pretty much got this one under wraps.

Goal two - blog more
Well this hasn’t quite gone to plan. I’ve got about six blogs that I’ve started but not finished yet. I’m working on them and hoping to have at least several of them posted by the end of the month. I’d rather spend a bit more time working on them than rush them out and not be happy with them. I’ve got lots of ideas so watch this space for more content coming your way.

Goal three - plan and schedule more content for Instagram
This I’ve definitely been better at but there’s still room for improvement. I’ve been helping out with the work Instagram page too which is helping me to create the content. I want to do more of this but need a better camera and a tripod (my birthday is round the corner so fingers crossed). I don’t post everyday and that’s Okay. This goal was more about getting organised and creating useful content for everyone. Hopefully you’re enjoying it so far!

Just remember it’s never too late to set goals or keep going with the ones you’ve got. Even if it’s past the deadline you intended to reach them by, don’t beat yourself up. Think about how you can reach them and if you can change anything, keep up the progress and you’ll get there in time. I set myself these goals each month as I like the challenge and focus of something to work towards, but I also love living my life and doing fun things and spending quality time with friends and family. At the end of the day, that’s what makes the memories.