My Fitness Journey - I passed!

For those of you who aren't aware this summer I embarked on completing a Level three Diploma in Personal Training. My love for health and fitness has grown over the years so I decided to take a leap and enroll on a course. I really wanted to expand my knowledge and get some qualifications behind me.

The initial level two and three course was over 8 weeks, spending two evenings per week at TrainFitness. The majority of the theory was up to us to complete online, but time was given to us in the first part of each session to ask any questions and review material. It was a lot of work and I spent every possible spare minute studying but the hard work paid off and I passed all my theory exams! Woop!

Our instructor, Kirsty, was great and had us in the gym each session for as long as possible. After all that's where we were going to learn the most! I loved being able to apply the theory to the practical side and learnt so much about technique, teaching styles and training plans. Throughout the weeks we completed our portfolios and had practical assessments. I’m please to say I passed these too and am now qualified as a personal trainer.

To finish off the diploma I had some extra certificates to earn. This meant a week spent full-time back at TrainFitness. We spent the first couple of days learning all about exercise referral and then went on to get stuck into the practical side of things. Day three had us hit the local park for several hours of outdoor fitness. I’m talking endless bear crawls, squats and bench toe taps! After a quick break and some much needed food we then headed inside for circuit training. I don’t think I’ve ever burnt so many calories in one day!

The following day was all about Group Cycle (otherwise known as Spinning). We were put through our spaces by our instructor before learning the different profiles and putting it into practice for our assessments. We all passed and hobbled home with some very sore bottoms!!

The last day was all spent tying up loose ends and finishing bits of paperwork. I thoroughly enjoyed the week and met some awesome people along the road too! Watch out guys, there’s a group of newly qualified PT’s heading your way!

As a result of passing my course, I’ve decided to make a very big decision and leave my current job and pursue a career in the Health and Fitness industry. It’s not been an easy decision to make as I love my job but for me it was now or never! I’ll be leaving London at the end of the year to head back to Norfolk and hopefully kick start my new career! I’m so excited but incredibly nervous at the same time. Wish me luck and stay tuned for more updates on the next chapter!