Juggling Studying with a Full Time Job

I don't think I'd quite anticipated how difficult it was going to be returning to my studies after graduating 4 years ago. For those of you reading for the first time, I'm currently embarking on a new challenge of training to become a personal trainer. It's an evening course with Trainfitness which has meant I can continue my full time job as normal. This week is our penultimate week of evening classes then I'll be topping up my certificate with a few extras to make it a full diploma (fingers crossed!)

Trying to find the work, study, life balance has not be easy. The first hurdle was getting back into sitting at my desk making notes and teaching myself to learn again. Once I got into the swing of things and bought myself some new highlighters (I'm such a visual learner, I need the colour) I was on a roll. The next challenge was finding the time. I've pretty much spent every waking free minute glued to my laptop and notes over the past two months and it's definitely taken its toll. I've been trying to find ways to be the most efficient and productive with my time. Sitting at my desk for 12 hours straight with no real breaks isn't the one (trust me I tried and failed!) Not only was my body so stiff and crying out to move or for a change of scenery, my brain was completely fried and not actually taking anything in.

So, I've made sure to throw in a few breaks if I'm planning on a full day work over the weekend. Even if it's just doing the washing up or taking a walk around the block, it really helps to step away and refocus your attention when you return. With so much content and coursework to get through my gym time has completely gone out of the window but I am running as much as I can (also training for a marathon as apparently one challenge wasn't enough this year!) It was actually on one of my runs when I thought of writing this blog!

Running has become my therapy, it really helps to clear my head and let off steam. Now I know this isn't for everyone so if you find yourself in a similar situation to myself, find something else that works for you. Whether it be a quick home workout or some meditation, it's important to take that time. I've learnt the hard way just trying to plough through to get it all done but in hindsight it would have been much more productive had I gave myself a little timeout.

A friend of mine set me a goal this month of doing at least one thing a week for me. Not work related, not course related, just something for me. It doesn't matter how big or small but something I enjoy. The first week I went to brunch with friends, last week I went out for a few drinks with the boy and this weekend I've got a picnic (weather permitting) with some friends I am due a much needed catch up with! I felt guilty to start with but soon realised I need this time to stay me, to stay human and not come to resent all the hard work! I'm absolutely loving the course but it's been harder than I first thought but I know it will all pay off in the end. Work hard, play hard and all that!

On a final note I think it's important to not be so hard on ourselves! I'm not very good at this one I have to admit. I find myself getting hung up on what I haven't done rather that what I have done. It's taken a few friends and family members to snap me out of it on occasions (I'm working on it, I promise!) However, it's those people that have gotten me through the tough days and been that shoulder to lean on - so use them, vent to them, ask for help, let them be your one thing a week that you enjoy! It's what they're there for after all!