Let's Talk About Motivation

Motivation is something I've been thinking about a lot recently, mainly because it's been lacking on my part. I think it's something we all experience peaks and falls in whether it's getting to the gym, writing regular blog posts or playing the piano! 

Since completing my marathon my motivation seems to have done a runner on me (see what I did there!) I had trained so hard and put my body and mind through the toughest challenge yet. As expected I gave myself some time to recover but in the process of doing so I found it increasingly difficult to get back into good habits and actually want to workout. I know this sounds terrible coming from a newly qualified personal trainer but it just goes to show I'm only human!

This last week or so, I've really concentrated on getting my 'mojo' back as they say. I've felt physically ready so it was all about getting mentally prepared. It's all about preparation for me so I planned the days I'd be working out and what I'd be doing. I've been easing myself back in to weight training by completing short body weight circuits. I'd created some circuits prior to getting to the gym so I knew exactly what I'd be doing when I arrived. It's so much more productive that spending half your time wondering what to do.  

The night before I make sure I've got my gym bag packed, clothes laid out and meals prepped to go. This way the only thing I actually have to think about doing is getting out of bed. It's getting seriously chilly out there and getting up in the dark isn't fun but once I'm up and out the door the hardest part is over. At the moment I enjoy a morning workout much more than going in the evening after work. I've always been more of an early bird but everyone is different so find what works for you. 

It's such a cliche to say but getting a workout in on a Monday sets me up for the week. If I miss it, it's usually down hill from there and I find myself making excuses for the rest of the week. It's about getting in the right frame of mind and breaking those habits to set new ones. 

I'm really enjoying getting back into training and I even managed to get a quick run in last weekend; although, I don't think I'll be running any long distances for a while yet! In hind sight, although I was beating myself up and feeling guilty about not getting the workouts in, I'm glad I didn't force myself. Taking a little time out every now and again isn't the end of the world. I've naturally found my rhythm again and let my body and mind run it's course. If you've lost your motivation, you'll find it again. Just remember, one step at a time!